موضوعنا لهذا اليوم يتضمن إجابة سؤال الفقرة (K) من كتاب نشاط الصف الثالث الثانوي Mega goal 5، الوحدة الأولى.
Study the picture and imagine what it might be like to live in a place like this compared with other places. Make some notes under each of the headings below. Then write sentences about the picture using other, others, another, or each other.
للاطلاع على إجابة هذا السؤال يتوجب منك عزيزي الطالب قراءة المقال أدناه.
Study the picture and imagine what it might be like to live in a place like this compared with other places. Make some notes under each of the headings below. Then write sentences about the picture using other, others, another, or each other.
الإجابة الصحيحة لهذا السؤال كالتالي:
This is an industrial city. Other cities are not like this, they don't have factory plants in the centre or so close the city.
Most of the people who live here work for one of the industries. The workers live very close to the factories. Other employees / white collar employees probably live somewhere else and drive / commute to work.
The air must be really polluted in the area and it gets very cold the winter.
Most of the town was built or renovated to house workers and withstand the cold. It gets really cold in winter.
each other
Not everyone is able to drive to work during the coldest months of winter so neighbours take turns driving to and from work.
They use their cars on a rotating basis and save fuel but they also contribute positively to the environment by reducing air pollution and decreasing harmful emissions, car fumes.
1. This city is very different from cities that do not have any industrial plants close to homes / residential areas.
2. Most of the inhabitants work at the local factories and others commute to another town nearby for work.
3. One of the main problems in town is air pollution that can cause a number of health problems.
Another problem is weather in winter with temperatures well 0 degrees Celsius.
The inhabitants try to help each other and reduce pollution by forming car pools in neighborhoods so that they don't all have to drive their own cars to work.
وصلنا وإياكم إلى ختام هذا المقال الذي قدمنا لكم فيه إجابة سؤال Study the picture and imagine what it might be like to live in a place like this compared with other places. Make some notes under each of the headings below. Then write sentences about the picture using other, others, another, or each other. الفقرة (K) من كتاب نشاط الصف الثالث الثانوي Mega goal 5، الوحدة الأولى.
قدمنا لكم هذا المحتوى عبر موقع اعرفها صح لنشر الخدمات الإلكترونية، ونشر الإجابات النموذجية للمناهج الدراسية للطلاب من مختلف الفصول الدراسية.